Five-year strategic plan and organisational redesign for an aboriginal health organisation

This well-established community-managed organisation focuses on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, wellbeing and economic development. The agency was looking for ways to grow and diversify. It engaged Pinnacle Group Australia to develop a five-year strategic plan and identify growth opportunities. 


We consulted with senior stakeholders and analysed the organisation’s current performance against internal strategic priorities as well as the policy priorities of the State and Commonwealth governments. We identified 25 external opportunities that would grow the organisation’s client base and diversify their revenue streams, then facilitated an iterative process for the senior leadership to prioritise two opportunities – growing their existing primary and allied health services and expanding their range of community and family services. The end deliverable was a five-year strategic plan that:

  • articulates the organisation’s purpose, vision and mission
  • sets out a number of strategic directions to achieve growth and diversification
  • identifies a series of five-year goals and the initiatives to achieve those goals
  • positions and brands the agency for external stakeholders.

In addition, we helped the organisation to translate its strategic requirements into organisational capability by designing its new organisation structure.


The organisation has a clear plan forward and has restructured its operations to take advantage of new opportunities. The organisationhas continued to grow and the senior team are confident of continued success in what is a rapidly changing context.

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