Pinnacle Group Australia’s strategy team led the development of an NDIS Tender Submission for a major client. This is a large and complex task for any organisation and requires careful planning and project execution.
The project was structured into four distinct phases:
- Requirements: Summarising the tender requirements from across numerous tender documents to ensure an unambiguous understanding of requirements in an easily accessible document.
- Operating Model: Led the design of an operating model using a structured methodology to define the components that combined to deliver the NDIS Scheme Pathway Services. Input from key stakeholders was critical to flesh out many of the points of differentiation and competitive advantages the organisation needed to articulate in the tender submission.
- Financial Modelling: Solid financial forecasts were important to ascertain the sustainability of the clients operating model and to generate tender pricing – well beyond basic spreadsheet or back-of-the-envelope analysis. Built a financial model with sufficient flexibility and sophistication to allow the model to ask and answer the critical what-if scenario questions, remove financial ambiguity and build confidence in the final tender submission.
- Document Development: Extensive document writing was required for the Tender Response and supporting documents. Standardised document templates, writing styles, and consistency of messaging were used across various documents; communicating how our client would leverage their existing capabilities, experiences, and core competencies as differentiators and drivers of competitive advantage.
A collaborative approach with our client was taken to develop the Tender Submission and all of its components which allowed the organisation to create clarity and structure around how it would go about delivering services under the NDIS. Although the project faced compressed timeframes, the submission material was completed one-week before the submission due-date. Most importantly, the client had a great deal of confidence in the quality and content of their submission.